Wednesday 6 June 2018

Friday 18 May 2018


Side Effects
Orthostatic hypotension                               Constipation
Blurred vision                                                        Drowsiness
Dry eyes, dry mouth                                    Photosensitivity

Nursing Considerations
Management of nausea, vomiting, psychotic disorders
Monitor for development of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (fever, respiratory distress, tachycardia, convulsions, sweating, hypertension or hypotension, pallor, tiredness, severe muscle stiffness, loss of bladder control); notify clinician immediately
PO: take with food
Do not crush or break sustained-release capsules
IM: inject slowly, deeply into gluteal UOQ; keep patient lying down for
30 minutes
Use caution with potentially hazardous activities
Avoid changing positions (lying/sitting/standing) rapidly
Wear sunscreen and protective clothing to prevent photosensitivity reactions

Check CBC and liver functions with prolonged use
Risk of increase mortality in elderly patients with dementia; related psychosis
May develop tardive dyskinesia
Rx; Preg Cat C

MECLIZINE (Antivert, Bonine)

Side Effects
Nursing Considerations
Management of vertigo, motion sickness
Duration 8–14 hours
Take 1 hour before traveling
Avoid activities requiring alertness
Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants
OTC, Rx; Preg Cat B


Side Effects
Nausea, vomiting                               Drowsiness
Abdominal pain/distention                           Dry mouth
Nursing Considerations
Used for control of diarrhea, including diarrhea in travelers
Take with a full glass of water
Encourage 6–8 glasses of fluid per day
Use caution with potentially hazardous activities
If abdominal distention in acute ulcerative colitis, stop med
Avoid use with alcohol, CNS depressants
Follow clear liquid or bland diet until diarrhea subsides
Do not use OTC if fever over 101°F (38°C) or if bloody diarrhea
OTC, Rx; Preg Cat C

HYOSCYAMINE (Anaspaz, Gastrosed)

Side Effects
Confusion, stimulation                       Blurred vision
In elderly                                  Tachycardia
Dry mouth, constipation                     Rash
Urinary retention, hesitancy               Headache
Palpitations                               Drowsiness
Nursing Considerations
Treatment of peptic ulcer, other GI disorders, other spastic disorders, urinary incontinence
PO: onset 20–30 minutes, duration 4–6 hours
IM, IV, subQ: onset 2–3 minutes, duration 4–6 hours
Avoid activities requiring alertness until stabilized on med
Avoid alcohol, CNS depressants
Use sunglasses to prevent photophobia
Take 30–60 minutes before meals
Avoid antacids within 1 hour
Rx; Preg Cat C


(Humulin N, Novolin N)
Side Effects
Hypoglycemia                           Alergic reactions
Nursing Considerations
 Management of diabetes
 Comes in 100 units per milliliter vial, as well as in combination
with regular insulin in a 50/50 proportion and 75/25 proportion
 subQ: onset 1–1.5 hours, peak 4–12 hours, duration 18–24 hours
 Read administration instructions carefully

 Do not give IV
 Monitor blood sugar
 OTC, Rx; Preg Cat B


Side Effects
Hypoglycemia                                     Pruritus
Lipodystrophy                                    Rash
Allergic reactions
Nursing Considerations
Management of diabetes in type 1 diabetics or adults with type 2
requiring a long-acting insulin to control hyperglycemia
No pronounced peak, duration 24 hours
Must inject at same time each day
Not the drug of choice for diabetic ketoacidosis (use a
short-acting insulin)
Higher incidence of injection site pain compared with NPH
Monitor blood sugar

Do not administer IV or via insulin pump
Do not mix with any other insulin
Rx; Preg Cat C